Monday, March 30, 2009

Rude Waiters

Girl's night was a hit! I loved seeing all my ladiesand actually making two new ones through mutual friends.

One thing that really pushes my buttons is age discrimination. We are a fairly responsible looking group of young people. Just because we are under the age of 21 does not mean we are going to dine and dash. On occasion I have had very nice waitresses who treat us with respect, but many times the experience is far from enjoyable. Perhaps the reason you think teenagers tip badly is because you are rude to them and cause them to be unhappy with your service. Believe me, we can see your mean glares. ughhh....

After dinner, it was back for some guy friends stopping over for a few hours and then a big sleepover. Of course, I'm feeling the effects of that sleep loss now... What kind of school plans mid terms the week before spring break?!?!

Wish me luck this week, I'm going to need it...


  1. I agree with you about age discrimination regarding teens. I have seen it and heard about it many times. My students and I used to discuss this problem. Y'all are consumers that spend lots of money. People should remember that!! And teens in my opinion are some of the most fabulous people on the planet!! {of course, I was a high school teacher for 33 years, so I am a little biased ;-)} xoxo

  2. I was both a server and a teenager (obviously) in my past. And, I know that you can get good teens and bad teens and that I could also BE either a good teen or a bad teen (but, shhhh...don't tell anyone!!!)!

    I also worked in customer service for a number of years and I learned that people are like mirrors. You are nice to them and they are USUALLY nice back (some aren't but maybe then, they're having an "Eeyore Day"). So, stick to being your nice self and I bet you'll change at least ONE person's opinion of teens!

    My only other advice is to remember how feel right now. Because one day you'll have to deal with teens yourself (either as your job or as a mother) and it'll help for you to be able to relate!


